How to close a round in crochet with a slip stitch


Image: photo-1.jpg

There are two way to work a circle in crochet: in a spiral or round by round. If you are making a garment that uses this second technique, this tutorial is for you: we are going to show you a quick and easy way to close a round in crochet with a slip stitch. It will be very useful when making granny squares, bags, etc.

Image: photo-2.jpg

For this step-by-step tutorial we used a skein of our petite wool, a staple for every winter,  and one of  our 7 mm crochet hooks.

Before beginning, in case you have any doubts, or need a review, we invite you to watch this video on how to make a slip stitch in crochet.

Image: photo-3.jpg

Once you have worked your round, and before working the final step we are going to show you, and closing the round completely, your work will look like the image above: open on the top and with the last stitch worked on the right and the starting chain you made at the beginning on the left.

So that you can see how to close the round with a slip stitch in detail, we made a short video:

As you saw, to close the round, we have to insert the hook (to make the stitch) into the last chain of the starting chain that we made at the beginning of the round, make the slip stitch, and that’s it, your round is closed!

Now that you completed the round you have two options:

  • If you are going to continue to crochet and make another round on top of the one you just finished: you make the turning chain and continue to crochet.
  • If you finished, just cut the yarn and pull it through to close the stitch. Weave in the ends and you are done.
Image: photo-4.jpg

Once you have finished your piece, it will look like the image above.

We hope this mini-tutorial is helpful. Now that you have seen how easy it is, we hope you put it to use and show us your results on social media using our hashtag #weareknitters.

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