How to do crochet extended single crochet




Hello knitter! Today we are going to show you how to do a variation of the single crochet, the extended single crochet. As you already know, the only differences between crochet stitches are the number of times you wrap the yarn around the crochet hook and the number of times you pull the yarn through the stitch, or stitches, you already have on your hook. This is what makes stitches taller or shorter.

And this stitch is no different. It is worked exactly the same as a single crochet, but it has a bit more texture thanks to one extra step. This stitch is somewhere between a single crochet and a double crochet, and can be very useful when it comes time to work on your crochet projects. Watch our video and you will quickly learn how to work the extended single crochet:


Remember we have lots of video tutorials so that you can learn any crochet stitch you need, and you can also choose from our many crochet kits if you are looking for a new project, we’re waiting for you!

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