How to join your projects


Hi knitters!

Today you are going to learn how to join and sew your WAK garments. It’s very important to have a nice and clean project after knitting and purling.

Sometimes after casting off all the stitches, it really seams difficult to make knots or cut the thread. We want to show you how to finish all your garments so you can have better knitting results! 🙂

Here you have some graphic pictures so you can check how to finish and join a garment with your little sewing needle at the end of the pattern.

Try and try sewing up your projects until you have the best results and don’t worry!Share your projects and results on Instagram with the hashtag #weareknitters.

For this post we have used 100% petite wool yarn balls in aquamarine  and the little sewing needle that you can find inside our knitting kits.

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