How to crochet Hugs stitch


Today we are going to show you how to crochet Hugs stitch, is a stitch very versatile. You can use it for things as different as cummer shirts or baby blankets. It is fast to crochet using double crochet and it forms little waves which you can also use to make decorative rims.

This stitch looks so beautiful, you will hardly be able to stop knitting!

hugs stitch

Ready to try it? Follow the instructions in the video:

The number of stitches has to be a multiple of 5 + 3 extra chains.

Row 1: crochet 2 double crochets in the fifth chain counting from the crochet hook, crochet a chain, crochet 2 double crochets into the next chain, *leave out 3 chains, crochet 2 double crochets in the next chain, crochet a chain, crochet 2 double crochets in the next chain*.

Repeat from * to * until there are only 2 chains left, leave out 1 chain and crochet 1 double crochet into the last chain. Crochet 3 chains and turn the project around.

Row 2: *crochet 2 double crochets into the space in the chain in the center of each group of double crochets of the row before, crochet a chain, crochet 2 double crochets into the space as the ones before*.

Repeat from * to * until you have finished the row and finish with a double crochet in the last stitch, just behind the last group of 2 double crochets in the row before. Crochet 3 chains and turn the project around.

Row 3: *crochet 2 double crochets into the space of the chain in the center of each group of double crochets of the row before, crochet a chain, crochet 2 double crochets in the same space as the ones before, crochet 2 double crochets in the space that separates the groups formed by 4 double crochets, inserting the crochet hook to rows below, crochet 2 chains*.

Repeat from * to * until you have finished the row and finish with a double crochet in the last stitch, just behind the last group of 2 double crochets in the row before. Crochet 3 chains and turn the project around.

Row 4: *crochet 2 double crochets into the space of the chain in the center of each group of double crochets of the row before, crochet a chain, crochet 2 double crochets in the same space as the ones before*.

Repeat from * to * until you have finished the row and finish with a double crochet in the last stitch, just behind the last group of 2 double crochets in the row before. Crochet 3 chains and turn the project around.

Row 5: like Row 4.

Repeat rows 3 to 5 until you have reached the desired length, finish with row 3 so that the little triangles formed by the pattern can be seen.

This stitch looks very differently always depending on the material you use, so you can try cotton and wool to see which you like more 🙂

To crochet our project, we used a 5MM crochet hook and the cotton in blue; but the options are endless!

Be proud of your projects, share them with us on social media with the hashtag #weareknitters!

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