How to knit the basketweave stitch


The stitch that we are going to show you today is a combination of knitted and purled stitches, so you have absolutely no excuse not to try it out, even if you are still a beginner 😀

Basketweave Stitch

This stitch is not reversible. In order to knit it you have to cast on a number of stitches that is a multiple of 4.

Odd rows: knit all stitches.

Rows 2 and 4: purl 1 stitch, knit 3 stitches.

Repeat these instructions until you have completed the row.

Rows 6 and 8: knit 2 stitches, *purl 1 stitch, knit 3 stitches*, until you have only 2 stitches left. Purl 1 stitch and knit the last one.

Repeat these 8 rows until you have the desired size.

Knitting like that will result in a rather loose stitch with a spongy texture. It will have vertical spikes that give the whole cloth a cushioning effect.

Don’t forget to share your photos with us on Instagram!

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